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Monograf Font Family

This Asset we are sharing with you the Monograf Font Family free download links. This is a premium product and you will get it free on here. PSDLY made to help people like graphic designers, video creators, web developers, freelancers, filmmakers, etc. On our website, you will find lots of premium assets free like Free-course/tutorials, Lightroom Preset, PS action, Mockups, Videohive Items, Premium Sounds, Web Templates, and much more.

Free download — Monograf Font Family

Monograf was originally designed as fixed-width monospaced font which has 2 weights (Regular and Bold). Monograf Text is a derived style of Monograf with proportional spacing and well-balanced kerning to make the text easier to read and look optically balanced.

So in the total bundle you get 4 pieces of this font: Monograf RegularMonograf BoldMonograf Text Regular and Monograf Text Bold.

This versatile font with clean geometry and slightly rounded corner elements works great in digital space, as well in print. It also retains its legibility at smaller sizes. Typographic features include old-style figures, directional arrows and four types of asterisks. The entire font is suitable for purposes such as tabular layout, coding, website, but also for magazines, logos, signs, products, and others.


Basic latin alphabet A-Z

116 Accented characters

Numbers, Punctuation, Currency, Symbols, Math symbols & Diacritics

Old style figures, Directional arrows and 4 asterisks

About: Monograf Font Family

File Name: Monograf Font Family
Content Source: https://ift.tt/3ugfCmW
Genre / Category: Fonts
File Size : 386KB
Publisher: myfonts
Updated and Published: September 25, 2021


DOWNLOAD LINK : Monograf Font Family

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